31 weeks
32 weeks
33 weeks (sorry about the dark clothes, I didn't realize how much it would hide the belly in the head-on picture)
34 weeks
And now you are all caught up! Baby looks great and remains head-down. My ribs are sore from probing toes, knees and bottom. I try to take it in stride and remember that the little one is feeling just as squished as I am, but I know my family is probably getting tired of hearing me groan and complain.
On the recommendation of my care-providers I am taking a daily regimen of 5 different pills; my pre-natal vitamin, a calcium/magnesium supplement, bio-flavonoids, evening primrose oil, and an iron supplement called Blood Builder which is made completely from plant sources so it's not binding (yay!). Even after taking the iron supplement, my hemoglobin was only at 10.5...we want it to be up to at least 12.
I have always leaned toward the anemic side and have been unable to donate blood a few times because my iron levels weren't high enough. Taking the information I have learned from those experiences allowed me to make 2 important adjustments to my vitamin schedule
- I am taking the Blood Builder in the morning with a glass of OJ. Calcium and Iron use the same binding site in our bodies when it is absorbed into the bloodstream so I wasn't doing myself any favors by taking it at the same time as my pre-natal and my Calcium/Magnesium.
- Vitamin C promotes the absorption of Iron so I switched from taking it with water to taking it with OJ.
Our goal is a healthy baby!