Height: 30 1/2"
Weight: 22 lbs, 12 oz
Head circumference: 46cm
Teeth: 8; 2 lower (central incisors), 6 upper (central incisors, lateral incisors & first molars)
Her doctor declared her a poster child for a 15-month old since she is hovering right around the 50th percentile for all measurements, and he was impressed with her verbal and manual communication skills. She received vaccination shots in her leg and wailed loudly to convey her discomfort. I felt terrible for her and we cuddled for a while once the deed was done. The good news? She shouldn't have to endure any shots at her 18-month visit.
And now, a gratuitous photo of our growing baby girl

Yay! You're blogging! I love it. And I love the name. and I love your little snuggle muffin. It's been too long and I need to see you and that little chicka you have. That's an order!