We recently returned from a week of fun in Naples, FL with mee-maw and pa-paw (Brett’s parents). This was Corinne’s second round-trip flight, she was as great on this trip as she was when we flew to AZ in December – she’s a champion traveler.

Great-grandpa & grandma Busch were generous enough to let us stay at their condo which sits right on the beach. It was windy and cool, but Corinne didn’t mind – the sun was out and she didn’t have to wear a coat!

We had a great time playing in the sun and sand. Corinne enjoyed collecting shells in her bucket and experiencing the feel of sand under her feet and in her hands. She eventually gathered up her courage to let the water roll over her feet.

I think she had fun dressing up in cute spring clothes instead of the heavy winter fare she’s become used to.

Mornings were spent lounging lazily in our PJs cuddling and watching the pelicans dive-bomb the water searching for their breakfast.

When we were ready to head out for our adventure of the day Mee-maw was happy to keep Corinne entertained. She was a very well-behaved little lady when we went to dinner on 3 separate occasions.

We snuck up to North Fort Myers one day to visit GG Marilyn & Sam, Aunt Bernita & Uncle Jim, Aunt Deanie and Alex. Corinne was playful in the car but took an early nap on the way so she was sleepy and cautious when we first arrived. Corinne & GG Marilyn spent lots of time together and I know she will be thrilled to have “GG” back at home late this spring.

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