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29 weeks
I don't have many pictures of myself from when I was pregnant with Corinne, something I really regret and had vowed to do differently with this pregnancy...but I haven't been doing a very good job. This morning as I headed out of the house for the day I tossed my phone at Brett and asked him to take a couple of pictures of my 29-week-pregnant self. Here are the results!
And here is a side view so that you can see how much I've popped! This baby is officially out of room horizontally and has started to push my belly out in a major way. I've had several people comment in the last week about how quickly I have popped and that I just look like I swallowed a basketball (funny how when I was pregnant with Corinne in the fall everyone associated my belly with a pumpkin and now that March Madness is almost upon us, all of the comments are basketball related!)
Overall, I am still feeling much better than I did during the first trimester when I was pretty nauseous and exhausted. I cannot lay flat on my back and when I do I almost immediately have severe pain in my lower back and find it difficult to even move to get myself up off the floor!
I'm going to try my best to do another pregnancy update with photos next week, I'm determined to have at least some documentation of this pregnancy!
Yay!!! Your so adorable!!