I don't have very many pictures from my pregnancy with Corinne. That makes me sad, but there really isn't anything I can do about it and so I've tried to learn from that experience and have more pictures of myself from this pregnancy...not a lot, but more. When I was about 29-31 weeks along in my pregnancy with Corinne, Brett & I went to Arizona to spend some time with his parents and I have several pictures from this vacation. I've included a front-view comparison and a side-view comparison below.

I don't see a huge difference between the pregnancies, do you? With Corinne I was able to take advantage of my relatively light responsibilities and rest as much as I felt I needed; I would come home and take a nap after work most days. With this baby I don't have quite as much freedom; I can't exactly expect Corinne to fix/feed herself a healthy dinner or give herself a bath in the evening! The down side to this is that I am exhausted and put myself to bed shortly after Corinne goes down in the evening. The upside is that I seem to be staying in pretty good shape! I gained exactly 30 pounds over the course of my pregnancy with Corinne. Currently, I am on track to gain 20-25 pounds with this one.

With my first pregnancy, I worked right up until the week Corinne was born. I plan to do the same with this pregnancy. Wish me luck!
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